Anger Expression Style by the Enneagram Personality Types of College Students

남녀대학생의 에니어그램 성격유형에 따른 분노표현 방식

  • 김영희 (한경대학교 아동가족복지학과) ;
  • 정희정 (한국 부모코칭센타)
  • Published : 2009.12.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the Enneagram personality types and the anger expression styles, and to see how the relationship depends on the gender. The subjects, selected by the convenience sampling method, are 315 college students. The instrument is the Korean Enneagram Personality Types(Yoon 1999), which categorizes the personal types into the gut-center, the heart-center and the head-center. On the other hand, the anger expression styles, which is the anger-control as a functional role, and the anger-out and the anger-in as a dysfunctional role, is measured by the Korean version of STAXI(Chon et al 1998). The major findings of the study are as follows. First, comparing the personality types of students, the ratio of the students of the gut-center, that of the head-center and that of the heart-center types are in descending order. Second, It is found that students rely on the anger-out more than the other two expression styles. There also exist the gender differences in terms of the level of the anger expression: female students tend to express the anger-out and the anger-control significantly more than male students. Third, the relationship between the Enneagram personality types and the anger expression styles of students are statistically significant such that students of the gut-center style express the anger-out more severely than the head-center and the heart-center. Therefore, the findings from the study may become the basis on which the education program is designed for the sake of the psychological adjustment of college students, especially taking into account the gender differences.



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