비디오 영상 자료를 이용한 연안 국지파랑 관측기술과 그 활용에 대한 고찰

Review of Video Imaging Technology in Coastal Wave Observations and Suggestion for Its Applications

  • 이동영 (한국해양연구원 기후.연안재해연구부) ;
  • 유제선 (한국해양연구원 기후.연안재해연구부) ;
  • 박광순 (한국해양연구원 기후.연안재해연구부)
  • Lee, Dong-Young (Climate Change & Coastal Disaster Prevention Research Department, KORDI) ;
  • Yoo, Je-Seon (Climate Change & Coastal Disaster Prevention Research Department, KORDI) ;
  • Park, Kwang-Soon (Climate Change & Coastal Disaster Prevention Research Department, KORDI)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


The wave observation system in Korea has been established with an emphasis on pointmeasurement based on in situ instrumentations. However, the system cannot fully investigate the coastal wave-related problems that are significantly localized and intensified with three-dimensional regional geometries. Observation technique that can cover local processes with large time and spatial variation needs to be established. Video imaging techniques that can provide continuous monitoring of coastal waves and related phenomena with high spatial and temporal resolutions at minimum cost of instrumentation risks are reviewed together with present status of implementation in Korea. Practical applications of the video imaging techniques are suggested to tackle with various coastal issues of public concern in Korea including, real-time monitoring of wave runup and overtopping of swells on the east coast of Korea, longshore and rip currents, morphological and bathymetric changes, storm surge and tsunami inundation, and abnormal extreme waves in the west coast of Korea, etc.



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