돈육 Oligopeptide를 이용한 간질환식의 효과

Effect of Pork Meat Oligopeptides as a Foodstuff for Experimental Hepatitic Rats

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


A formula diet based on pork meat oligopeptides(pork meat protein hydrolysates) was designed for experimental hepatitic rats. The rats were given D-galactosamine for 6 days. During this period, the rats were provided with a 12% casein diet or the formula diet which was low in aromatic amino acids and rich in branched chain amino acids. The formula diet was prepared using pork meat oligopeptides as the principal nitrogen source. The hepatitic rats given the formula diet had lower plasma GOT and GPT concentrations. Additionally, the fischer ratio of the plasma was significantly lower in those rats. However, there was no significant difference in the plasma insulin-like growth factor-I concentration before and after acid-ethanol extraction among groups. These results suggest that the formula diet was better for the animals than the casein diet. Furthermore, these findings suggest that pork meat oligopeptides are an excellent material for preparation of formula diets for patients suffering from hepatitis.



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