Thermal Behavior of Critical Micelle Concentration from the Standpoint of Flory-Huggins Model

  • Lim, Kyung-Hee (School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Chung-Ang University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.20


Temperature dependence of the critical micelle concentration (CMC), $x_{CMC}$, in micellization can be described by ln $x_{CMC}$ = A + BT + C lnT + D/T, which has been derived statistical-mechanically. Here A, B, C, and D are fitting parameters. The equation fits the CMC data better than conventionally used polynomial equations of temperature. Moreover, it yields the unique(exponent) value of 2 when the CMC is expressed in a power-law form. This finding is quite significant, because it may point to the universality of the thermal behavior of CMC. Hence, in this article, the nature of the equation ln $x_{CMC}$ = A + BT + C lnT + D/T is examined from a lattice-theory point of view through the Flory-Huggins model. It is found that a linear behavior of heat capacity change of micellization is responsible for the CMC equation of temperature.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Thermodynamics of Micellization, Interfacial Behavior and Wettability Alteration of Aqueous Solution of Nonionic Surfactants vol.54, pp.5, 2017,