Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association (대한영양사협회학술지)
- Volume 14 Issue 2
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- Pages.127-138
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- 2008
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- 1225-9861(pISSN)
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- 2383-966X(eISSN)
Attitudes Toward Family Meals and Comparisons of Dietary Quality Between Family Meals and Meals Eaten Alone in Middle and High School Students
중.고등학생의 가족식사에 대한 태도와 혼자 식사와의 영양소 섭취 비교
Lee, Ki-Wan
(Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Kyungwon University) ;
Lee, Young-Mee
(Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Kyungwon University) ;
- Oh, Yu-Jin (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Kyungwon University) ;
- Cho, Yong-Ju (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Kyungwon University) ;
Lee, Min-June
(Research Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Yonsei University)
(경원대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
(경원대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
- 오유진 (경원대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
- 조용주 (경원대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
(연세대학교 식품영양과학연구소)
- Published : 2008.05.02
This study investigated attitudes and behaviors related to family meals among middle and high school students. Furthermore, it evaluated the dietary quality of family meals as compared to meals eaten alone. The data were collected between March and May, 2006, from 353 male and female students attending middle and high schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, using pre-tested self-administered questionnaires. The following results were obtained. In terms of family meal frequency, 44.0% of the middle school students ate with their family 'more than once per day', and 19.3% participated in family meals 1 or 2 times per day. However, only 16.4% of the high school students had family meals 'more than once per day', and 32.9% participated in family meals '1 or 2 times per a week', showing a significant difference between the groups (p<0.001). Fifty-nine percent of the middle school students answered they ate with their family everyday or on week days, whereas 67.8% of the high school students had family meals only on holidays (p<0.001). The nutrient intakes of those participating in family meals were compared to the intakes of those who ate meals alone. For both males and females, calorie intake was higher for those who ate family meals. Animal protein intake was significantly different (p<0.001) between groups, with the results showing a two-fold higher intake for those eating family meals as compared to meals alone. In addition, the intake of animal fat was significantly higher in the family meal group (p<0.001); however, plant-based fat intake was higher in the meal alone group.