한의학과 중의학에 대한 국가정책 비교연구

Comparative Study of the National Policies for Korean Oriental Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Lee, Hyun-Ji (Faculty of Liberal Education, Keimyung University)
  • 발행 : 2008.10.25


The structure of medical profession is composed of multiple relations among state, patients, and medical professions. There are conflicts between the nation and medical professions because the nation controls the monopoly of medical professions through medical policies. Patients make relations with medical profession as medical consumers. And medical professions compete each other in order to gain the control of the medical market. This paper attempts to review the dynamic relations between the nation and medical professions. The medical professions and the nation are in conflict about the control of the autonomy of medical professions. The medical professions want to exercise the monopoly rights in their own area and, on the other had, the nation wants to prevent problems that might result from the monopoly by regulations and to have the control over the national operation. Given this, the common view of medical sociology is that the nation and the medical professions are in constant conflict. The arguments that the present medical sociology has on the relationship between the nation and medical professions can be summarized like these: first, the nation is the authenticator of medical system; second, the nation is a medical provider and consumer; and, third, the nation is a mediator of regulations and conflicts. Based on the above mentioned relations between the nation and medical professions, this paper attempts to see how the nation, which is one component of the medical structure, make influences on Korean Oriental doctors and Traditional Chinese doctors. So as to do this, the changes in medical policies and promoting policies for Korean Oriental medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine are analyzed. Finally, the differences in national policies of Korean Oriental medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine are compared.



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