The Optimal Operating Planning of Convention Systems for Service Quality

컨벤션시스템의 서비스 품질제고를 위한 최적운영계획 수립

  • Kim, Chang-Dae (Dept. of Management Information Management System, Dongseo University) ;
  • Moon, Jae-Young (Dept. of Management Information Management System, Dongseo University)
  • Published : 2008.03.31


The purpose of this study is to rationally manage service facilities of convention center. This study is to develop the algorithm to consider optimal assignment and optimal operation system planning for convention center. The scheduling algorithm of this study develops through constructing the mathematical model and analyzing the mathematical structure of variables and constraints in model. The scheduling algorithm develops to consist eight stage of optimal operation planning and five stage of optimal assignment planning. Especially, this study indicates that optimum answer through mathematical model and results of algorithm is nondiscrimination.



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