생물테러시 실내제독을 위한 효율적인 오존가스의 적용 방법

Application of Gaseous Ozone for Cleaning Biological Weapon Agent Contaminated Building

  • 윤제용 (서울대학교 화학생물 공학부) ;
  • 정우동 (수도방위사령부 제22화학대대) ;
  • 문성민 (서울대학교 화학생물 공학부) ;
  • 조민 (미 조지아공대)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


This study attempted to develop the technology by gaseous ozone for decontaminating building affected by a model of biological weapon agent(Bacillus subtilis spores) instead of Bacillus anthracis spore. The use of ozone is attractive method from a practical point of view of decontamination procedure since it has strong oxidation power but no residue after application. We examined the disinfection efficiency of gaseous ozone to Bacillus subtilis spores which suspension was sprayed on different material surfaces and dried. Three different types of gaseous ozone was applied : dry ozone, dry ozone with humidified air, and water bubbled wet ozone. Dry ozone(1500ppm) failed to achieve any significant inactivation for 2hrs. However, six log reduction of B. subtilis spore was achieved within 30min by 1500ppm of water bubbled wet ozone. This result shows the noticeable inactivation efficiency by gaseous ozone compared with previous studies. Good performance by wet ozone was also found for military material surface.(i.e. : gas mask hood, protective garments, army peinted metal surface).



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