- Issue 26
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- Pages.185-204
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- 2008
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- 1226-7627(pISSN)
Life in Bukgando(North-Gando) and diasporic longing for the homeland reflected in Yoon Dong-ju's poems - Focusing on Christianism and response to the reality-
윤동주의 시에 나타나는 북간도 체험과 디아스포라 본향의식 - 기독교의식과 현실 대응 양상을 중심으로 -
In this study, I considered poems of Yoon Dong-ju on the linkage of Christianism and responses to the reality, since the source of Yoon's poems was a longing for homeland and his life in Gando. His poems also well encapsulated the life under Japanese colonial. Yoon Dong-ju was a descendant of the diasporas who escaped to Gando from Japanese usurpation and tribulations. Christianism and diasporic nationalism:Korean ancestors' ironic life in Gando is highlighted. They had to live with Chinese nationality, however, they were still aliens in every sector of the society. Displaced diasporas and dualism of Bukgando: diasporas' psychological conflicts from Yoon's works are underlined. He showed strong ethical consciousnessand forward-looking nationalism against the brutal and unstable reality under the Japanese colonial. Bukgando in Yoon's poem implicates the hometown and lost Eden where we must return. Paradise in the bible and return to Eden: In Yoon's poem, poetic motive is the Garden of Eden or paradise, in other words his poetic motive was the Book of Genesis. In that regard, it can be interpreted that the desire to return to his hometown implicates a longing to return to the spiritual home by transcendingphysical existence. This striving will is well representing the strong desire to rise above the dark reality toward new world.