일부 보건계열 대학생의 구강보건행태에 관한 조사연구

A study on the health science college students' dental health behaviors

  • 김영임 (원광보건대학 치위생과)
  • Kim, Young-Im (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science College)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.30


I got the following conclusion that analyzes the dental health recognition, attitude and the action of the students who major in health section executing questionnaire about dental health behaviors from March 3 through 26 with health-related university students in some area in order to arrange the fundamental data that manage their mouth health rationally by using the investigation and comparison by sex and department in dental health teaching. The results obtained were as follows : 1. A large number of students recognized dental health as an important problem, but they believed that the level of their knowledges on dental health was not so high and female students were more negative than male students with regards to their own dental health condition. 2. 49.8% of the students know about tap water fluoridation program control business and 60.7% agreed and boy's approval rate was higher than girl's. But 42.2% of the not-related buccal department's students have a reservation about tap water fluoridation program control business. 3. Average brushing number of the boy is 51.0% 2 times a day according to sex, A girl appeared highest by 48.3% 3 times a day and there was statistically significantly different according to (pE0.01). there wasn't statistically significantly different according to department. Also, the period of the brushing was the most right after a breakfast, in the order of before sleep and after dinner. 4. Whether they go to the dentist's or not, 90.8% of them say 'yes', the result showed statistically significant difference according to sex (pE0.01), but It didn't show statistically significant difference according to department. Also, the purpose for visiting the dentist's office lately was the most caries treatment. and there was statistically significantly different according to sex (pE0.01), but there was not statistically significantly different according to department. 5. Oral health education-related subject approval's rate when the education course open is 65.0% there was statistically significantly different according to department (pE0.01). Also when oral health education-related subject as the liberal arts open' the rate of taking a course application showed 50.2% high appear. there was statistically significantly different according to department(pE0.01).
