Development and Effects of a Child Creative Thought Program

유아의 창의적 사고 프로그램의 개발 및 효과

  • Published : 2008.08.30


This research was carried out to develop a program that would promote children's creative thought processes and also to ascertain the effect on their development. The creative thought program consists of three stages : at the first stage, information for the development of the program was gathered and the theoretical basic model established. Considering Divergent and Feeling Factors, the program was planned based on the William's educational curriculum as it was applied and tested in an actual life situation. At the second stage, in order to formulate an activity plan for the creative thought program, William's activity plan was analyzed. At the third stage, the activities which would be applied to the creative thought program in the actual situation were considered with teaching strategy, activity arena and creative thought factors. In conclusion, according to these research results, children's creative thought programs should not just promote Divergent Factors or limited areas of activities, but other activities which include Feeling Factors should be planned and more diverse creative thought programs developed. To design an education program that encourages efficient creative thought, various teaching strategies in creative thought education need to be developed. Teacher training for current teachers should be conducted and parents who have the most direct influence of their children - be made aware of the creative thought process in children. It needs to be stated that this research on creative thought programs is not a complete program: it needs to be further adjusted and supplemented. As development of the tools to evaluate Feeling Factors objectively and the application on the program due to insufficient time, a more continuous application of the program and further research and evaluation of its effects are required.



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