노인가계 유형별 경제구조 분석

Economic Structure Analysis According to Old Age Household Type

  • 한수진 (성신여자대학교 가족문화.소비자학과) ;
  • 서지수 (성신여자대학교 가족문화.소비자학과)
  • Han, Su-Jin (Dept. of Family Culture & Consumer Science, Sungshin Women's Univ.) ;
  • Seo, Ji-Soo (Dept. of Family Culture & Consumer Science, Sungshin Women's Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


This research performs a multi comparison between the age of old households and the economic structure according to accommodation type as well as analyzing the economical structural difference of each type based on the features of aged households. The paper classified aged households into 3 groups according to age distribution. The economic structure analysis according to the age of old households and accommodation type was shown as follow: First, the economical structural analysis based on the age of old households showed a statistical difference in the total, labor, business, property and transfer income variables according to the age of each sample group. However, the non-business income and liabilities did not show a significant difference. Second, in the analysis of different economic earnings and initial expenses of middle-aged households according to the age distribution group showed a disparity in the total, labor, business, property, and transfer income variables according to the age of each sample group. However, aged households showed a statistical difference in total, labor, business and transfer income variables. Third, in the analysis of difference in the expense provision and size of consumption, there was a statistical difference in the expense variables of total consumption, food, dining out, electricity, water, furniture, kitchen supplies, clothing, shoe, education, culture, entertainment, transportation, and communication. Fourth, in the analysis of difference in the size of consumption expense, the initial and middle-aged households showed a statistical difference in the total consumption, food, dining out, electricity, water, furniture, kitchen supplies, clothing, shoe, education, culture, entertainment, transportation, communication, and consumption expense variables. However, the analysis of aged households has shown a statistical difference in the total consumption, food, dining out, electricity, water, furniture, kitchen supplies, clothing, shoe, education, culture, entertainment, transportation, and communication expense variables. The study found a statistical difference in the expense for hygienics that did not appear in the initial and middle-aged households.



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