Lactic Acid Bacterial Fermentation Increases the Antiallergic Effects of Ixeris dentata

  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


Ixeris dentata (ID, family Asteraceae), called Seumbakuy in Korea, was fermented with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their antiallergic activities were investigated. Fermentation of ID with Bifidobacterium breve or Lactobacillus acidophilus increased its inhibition of degranulation in RBL-2H3 cells induced by the IgE-antigen complex. Oral administration of these extracts to mice inhibited the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) reaction induced by the IgE-antigen complex and scratching behaviors induced by compound 48/80. The fermented ID more potently inhibited the PCA reaction and scratching behaviors than the non-fermented one. These extracts also inhibited mRNA expression of TNF-${\alpha}$ and IL-4, as well as NF-${\kappa}B$ activation in RBL-2H3 cells induced by the IgE-antigen complex. These findings suggest that LAB fermentation improves ID-mediated inhibition of IgE-induced allergic diseases such as rhinitis and asthma, and that ID works by inhibiting degranulation and NF-${\kappa}B$ activation in mast cells and basophils.



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