국제물품매매에서 이행기전 계약위반에 대한 구제권 연구(사례를 중심으로)

A Study on the Remedial Cases of Anticipatory Breach in int'l Sales

  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


CISG provides the Convention's default provisions on anticipatory breach. Article 71 permits the aggrieved party to suspend the performance of his obligations if it becomes apparent that the other party will not perform a substantial part of his obligations after the conclusion of the contract. The aggrieved party must give notice of the suspension to the other party and if he provides adequate assurance of his performance, the party must continue with performance. Article 72 authorizes the aggrieved party to avoid the contract to the date of performance when it is clear that the other party will commit a fundamental breach. The aggrieved party is also required to give the other party notice of his intent to avoid the contract if time allows. The requirements for avoidance under Article 72 are more stringent than those for suspension under Article 71. Article 72 requires reasonable prior notice only if time allows, while article 71 requires immediate notice with no exceptions.
