고령화 사회에 따른 국민임대아파트 1층 공유공간의 계획방향에 대한 연구

A study on Design Planning of the National Rental Apartment's Community Space Located on Ground Level Floor for Aging Society

  • 채민석 (연세대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 이주현 (연세대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 이현수 (연세대학교 주거환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.28


Lower birth rate and higher elder people are serious social problem in Korea. In 2003, the total birth rate is 1.19 per person, that record is lowest among OECD country. In 2005, Korea has been the aging society with 9.0% in aged population rate. Increasing of aged population results in elder estrangement and confliction with other generations. The social problem can be solved in some degree by improving housing environment and many kinds of welfare program. This study suggests a solution of the problem by applying community space located on ground level floor. The ground level floor of apartment has many physical benefits like connection to the earth, extension, safeness for the aged and child. in case of the National Rental apartment, small residential area and high rate of elder, child, the disabled make the ground level floor useful space for community. According to case study, almost the National Rental apartment hasn't enough facilities supporting various generations and don't supply comfortable environment. So, this study presents how to design the National Rental Apartment's community space located on ground level floor.



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