가로경관의 친환경성 증진을 위한 가로변건축물의 생태요소 적용에 관한 연구 - 입체녹화를 중심으로 -

A Study on Ecological Application to Buildings on the Streets for the Improvement of Environmental Harmony at Streetscape - Focused on the Three-dimensional Greenery System -

  • 투고 : 2008.04.11
  • 심사 : 2008.06.05
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


Recently it is urgent issue in every department that problem from environmental disruption such as global warming. As the case of streetscape works essentially at city scenery, it is inevitable that changing from present view, which centers facilities and buildings, to environmental harmonic scenery. This study plans climate adjusting ability and improvement of thermal efficiency by putting ecological elements to buildings on a street which are essential factors of streetscape. Ultimately, this not only makes a pleasant environment but also revives being withered earth. Street-environment on eco-scape will take a part in designing sustainable city. This study acquires the way how buildings on a street get applied ecological elements as following. Roof level part : the greening surface of the rooftop(included plant box type), the greening roof as a type of pergola, the greening surface of the middle floor rooftop(included plant box type). Elevation part : climbing type, downfall type, espalier, flower bed in balcony type, wall-installing type, water wall type, other design types. Ground level part : paving the whole surface with permeability, paving the gap with permeability, plant box type, ground plant type, waterside zone, wetland, fence greening type, terrace greening type, retaining wall greening type.



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