지속가능한 건축의 계보들

An Interpretation of the Perspectives of Sustainable Architecture

  • 투고 : 2008.09.26
  • 심사 : 2008.10.21
  • 발행 : 2008.10.31


This paper reviews the relationships between diverse ecological design strategies and competing conceptions of ecological approach in place making. It focuses conceptual trends of what we categorize a building "green" and outlines a social constructive perspective on the development of sustainable architecture. This study classifies seven logics of ecological design-eco-technical, eco-aesthetical, eco-social, eco-medical, eco-renewable, eco-cultural, eco-central - which have their roots in competing philosophies of environmentalism. In my analysis of the logics concerning sustainable architecture, the adapted and incorporated technology from high-tech to low-tech levels is a key issue. These points lead us to propose a way that each logic configures the technological approaches and alternative visions of sustainable places. This paper discusses the implications of the competent nature of plural ecological design perspectives for architectural education, practice, and researches.



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