Economic Design of Automated Spiral Parking System

  • Oh, Yonghui (Department of Industrial System Engineering Daejin University) ;
  • Sung, Yun Chul (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Hwang, Hark (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Published : 2008.09.30


Automated parking systems, which automatically park and retrieve vehicles, have been steadily replacing conventional parking systems. The spiral parking system is a type of automated parking systems that has cylindrical parking tower. We develop an economic design model of spiral parking system based on a recursive optimization and simulation procedure in which the dynamic nature of the parking system can be integrated into the mathematical programming model. The optimal values of design parameters are found that gives the minimum total cost while complying with the desired performance of the system.



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