우리나라에 거주하는 고려인(高麗人)의 주거 및 주생활 - 재한(在韓) 고려인 이주 노동자의 주거 지원을 위한 탐색 -

Housing and Domestic Living ; An Analysis of Housing Plans for Goryo-in Immigrant Workers in Korea

  • 이영심 (가톨릭대학교 소비자주거) ;
  • 최정신 (가톨릭대학교 소비자주거)
  • Lee, Young-Shim (Division of Consumer & Housing Studies, Catholic University) ;
  • Choi, Jung-Shin (Division of Consumer & Housing Studies, Catholic University)
  • 발행 : 2008.05.30


With increasing numbers of immigrant workers in Korea, the supply of socially and culturally acceptable housing has become an important issue. The purpose of this study was to analyze the state of Goryo-in housing and domestic living conditions in metropolitan areas of Korea. This study will present essential information directly relevant to the establishment of practical housing policy for Goryo-in in Korea. Furthermore, data collected and analyzed here will enable comparative investigation with Goryo-ins who live in Russia and Central Asia. Using ethnographic methodologies, we examined 20 Goryo-in households in relation to their usage of domestic space. The following conclusion were established; 1). The most popular L D K(Living Dining Kitchen)type consisted of kitchen plus one or two bedrooms. The majority of households lived in quarters with separated kitchen and living room areas. 2). Most households had a washing machine in the bathroom due to a lack of space, and they regarded the bathtub and the drain hole of the bathroom as very necessary. The Goryo-ins interviewed preferred quarters with separate bathroom and toilet areas, in order to allow simultaneous use. 3). Their most preferred seating style was chairs, while making Kimchi at home was not very popular. 4). All respondents took their shoes off and wore slippers at home, while also indicating a preference for designated shoes space at the entrance to the house. 5) Half of the households had a carpet or mat in the bedroom or living room, both for keeping warm and aesthetic reasons. 6). All households had modified Ondol heating system and demonstrated satisfaction with this. The majority of Goryo-ins interviewed had a different living style compared to households in Russia and Central Asia which were related to less favorable economic conditions in Korea.



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