청소년의 여가활동 프로그램 요구도에 관한 연구

Leisure Activity Programs for Adolescent Students

  • 권익환 (대구대학교 가정복지학과) ;
  • 채정숙 (대구대학교 가정복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.28


In order to develop leisure activity programs, the responses of 900 middle and high school students to a questionnaire survey were analyzed. Between May 7 and May 21, 2007. we routinely interviewed adolescent (middle and high school) students from Daegu City. After initial screening, the responses of 874 students were used for statistical and descriptive analysis. The findings were as follows: 1) Respondents indicated the highest preference for 9-leisure activity programs, with physical training rating the highest. 2) Adolescent requirement for leisure activity programs varied according to demographic factors; sex, age, religion, family living standards level, monthly average allowance. 3) Adolescent requirement for leisure activity programs varied according to value disposition patterns; materialism and job achievement-oriented value disposition, human relationship-oriented value disposition, enjoyment-oriented value disposition. 4) Adolescent requirement for leisure activity programs varied according to leisure-constrains factors; social constrains, individual and time constrains, family constrains, economic constrains.



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