활옷과 병풍을 중심으로 본 조선시대 자수의 재조명

Intriguing Review of Embroidery in the Joseon Dynasty - Focusing on Hwarrot and Screen -

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


In this paper, embroidery works with a certain date are divided by a category, and they are reviewed in terms of original fabrics, embroidery patterns, the form of an artwork, embroidery techniques, and etc with the aim of the understanding of the Joseon period embroidery. In the second part, I examine the history of Korean embroidery from the Three Kingdoms period to the Joseon dynasty along with the written records and extant embroidery works. The third part, Joseon embroidery revealed by the analysis of the remaining embroidery works, divides Joseon embroidery by two kinds, bridal robe and rank badge as well as an embroidery screen. Through the examination of these extant works, I try to rediscover the historic significance of Joseon embroidery, and also hope to help people to gain an expert opinion on Joseon embroidery.



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