조선시대의 전통장신구를 보는 열린 눈 - 노리개와 여성 수식품을 중심으로 -

Looking at the Traditional Accessories of the Joseon Dynasty with Wide Opened Eyes - focusing on Norigae and Hair Ornaments for Ladies -

  • 장숙환 (이화여자대학교 예술대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study is not to look at the history of traditional accessories or the characteristics of their shapes but to discern imitations £Tom authentic items by exploring imitations of traditional accessories-- many of which were made in the late 20th century -- from private museums and university museums in order to help scholars assess relics. Among many kinds of accessories in the Joseon dynasty, only norigae, one of the representative accessories, and women hair ornaments are selected for this study since many of the relics have been recovered to date. Given this, this study will consider firstly the general history of norigae and women's hair ornaments, and secondly, prove several examples as relics from the late 20th century while they are marked as relics from the Joseon dynasty by comparing authentic items. Thirdly, among the imitations of the late 20th century, this study will find those so-called "original" imitations whose production origins are unidentified Fourthly, this study will explore the imitations, which were influenced by the influx of items and materials from China. It is important to discern low-quality relics as well as to correct the production time. Some producers exercised their creativity and made relics non-native to Korea. These relics shouldn't be presented at international exhibitions. Restored relics should be noted so and their quality should be equal to the authentic items. It is suggested that relics without the identity and quality of native Korean relics not baffle cultural interchanges and enhance national glory.



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