A Life History on the Childhood Experience of Domestic Violence The Effects of Children's and Fathers' Perceptions of the Fathering Practice on Children's Sociality

아동기 가정폭력 경험에 대한 생애사 연구

  • 홍기순 (숙명여자대학교 아동복지학과)
  • Published : 2008.06.30


The objective of this study was to expand understanding of children's exposure to domestic violence in Korean society. In-depth personal interview was conducted by a researcher on individual experience of domestic violence in childhood. The findings of this qualitative study are summarized as follows; 1) A person who experienced domestic violence in childhood is likely to feel powerless, and think of himself/herself worthless. 2) He/She needs to have sufficient social support and protective networks. 3) A person who experienced parental violence in childhood is to suffer from people's negative behaviors such as social prejudice, preconception, and discrimination. 4) He/She is worried about the cycle of violence from generation to generation. 5) It is necessary for him/her to overcome his/her negative emotions acquired by the experience of domestic violence in childhood to have a constructive goal for the future.



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