급식시설 설비 위생관리에 대한 중요도-수행도 분석

Analyzing the Importance and Performance of Sanitation Management within Foodservice Facilities and Utilities

  • 배현주 (대구대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 전은경 (대구대학교 교육대학원 영양교육전공) ;
  • 이혜연 (대구대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Bae, Hyun-Joo (Department of Food and Nutrition, Daegu University) ;
  • Jeon, Eun-Kyung (Department of Nutrition Education, Graduate School of Education, Daegu University) ;
  • Lee, Hye-Yeon (Department of Food and Nutrition, Daegu University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study was to analyze the gap in perceived sanitaion management importance-performance for school foodservice facilities and utilities. Questionnaires were delivered to 200 dietitians who are employed in school foodservice. A total of 108 were usable, resulting in an 54.0% response rate. Statistical analyses were performed using the SAS package program(version 8.2 for Windows) for descriptive analysis, t-tests, and importance-performance analysis (IPA). Among the respondents, 58.3% of the dietitians had more than 10 years of work experience, 81.5% were university graduates, and 64.8% worked in elementary schools. Also, 89.8% of the school foodservices provided meals once a day. According to the importance and performance analysis for 25 items, significant differences were found between importance and performance and the importance score was significantly higher than the performance score for all of the items. The results of IPA showed the following areas as improvement priorities: physical separation between the clean areas and the unclean areas to prevent cross-contamination, and proper management of the temperature and humidity within kitchens and food storage facilities. Overall, the IPA results indicated that the items in need of urgent need of improvement will require political support, and above all, continued research. Finally, better models of foodservice facilities and utilities are needed to improve and modernize the operating conditions of these various foodservice establishments.



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