17세기 이전 조선시대 과정류의 문헌적 고찰

An Investigation on 'Kwa-Jung';Traditional Korean Confectionery Items, Found in Korean Literatures Prior to the 17th Century

  • Cho, Shin-Ho (Department of Food & Nutrition, Bucheon) ;
  • Chung, Rak-Won (Department of Traditional Cuisine, Baewha Women's College) ;
  • Choi, Young-Jin (Department of Home Economics, Kwandong University) ;
  • Kim, Eun-Mi (Department of Hotel Culinary Arts, Kimpo College) ;
  • Won, Sun-Im (Department of Food & Nutrition, Hallym University) ;
  • Cha, Gyung-Hee (Department of Traditional Food Culture, Jeonju University) ;
  • Kim, Hyun-Sook (Department of Food & Nutrition, Hanyang University) ;
  • Lee, Hyo-Gee (Department of Food & Nutrition, Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


In this study, we investigated the names and various types of "kwa-jung" along with their recipes and ingredients occurring in Korean cookbooks published before the 17th century. The kwa-jungs were classified into 7 groups including Yoomilkwa, Yookwa, Dasik, Junkwa, Kwapyun, Yutganjung and Dang. A total of 72 kinds of kwa-jung were found. 26 kinds of Yoomilkwa, 18 kinds of Yookwa, 7 kinds of Dasik, 10 kinds of Junkwa, 1 kind of Kwapyun, 3 kinds of Yutganjung and 8 kinds of Dang. Among the types of Yoomilkwa, Yackwa was recognized as the best food according to the references. Also the cooking methods for items had a tendency to become simpler as society became modernized. Original and rare Ingredients were often substituted with other items that could be found more easily where people lived As recorded, the Yookwa group included kangyung, sanja, and bingsakwa. And as society became modernized, people tended to buy Yookwa in the store rather than making it at home due to its complicated and often difficult cooking process. The Dasik items were a kneaded mixture of flour, or the flour of chestnuts, with honey. These were formed into various patterns like birds, animals, butterflies, tree leaves and flowers, or as ki-wha by using printing cooking utensils Honey was used as a sweetener and as a combining material. The Junkwa consisted of roots or fruits that could be easily obtained these cooked or raw foodstuffs were then mixed with sugar and simmered. The Kwapyun used sour fruit juices as a main ingredient. These were then combined with sugar and simmered and allowed to harden. Then they were cut into square shapes after cooling. Yutkangjung was a mixture of yut, chochung, honey or syrup and pine nuts. which was combined over low heat. After mixing and stirring it was cut into square shapes. Finally, the Yut was typically cooked with grains and powdered malt and stirred until thickened.



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