초등학교시설의 교육 지원성 평가요소 제안에 대한 연구

A Study on Proposing of Evaluation Factors for Educational Adequacy of Elementary School Facility

  • 이현주 (백석예술대학 실내디자인)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study is to propose evaluation factors for elementary school facility in terms of educational adequacy. The focal point of this study is to clarify the proper measure of educational facility evaluation in the light of specific characteristics of facility. In order to improve the level of educational adequacy, more information is needed regarding school facility design and various factors which affect to the design. This is important works because such information is essential in implementing facility design to meet the needs of the new educational policy. To get the goal, first, it is attempted to analyse the meaning of design information which deeply affect on the school facility design. The design information is classified into three main aspects, such as human aspect, social aspect and physical aspect. The design information regarding the physical space verses human psychology and behavior belongs to category of human aspect. Pedagogic ideology which varies depend upon the time and regions is classified into the category of social aspect. The Physical aspect means efficient equipment performance of space to support educational activities effectively. Secondly, as for the educational adequacy evaluation concern, it is attempted to select more items which usually has been neglected by the existing evaluation criteria which mainly emphasized functional performances only. With the premise of the above, in this paper, it is attempted to propose proper evaluation factors in terms of educational adequacy for school facilities. As the research methods, researching of literature on this subject, field trip, interview, site analysis, and survey is used.



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