A Plan of Project Information Management through Analysis of Drafting Process for Transportation Planning

양중계획입안 프로세스의 구조화를 통한 프로젝트 정보관리 방안

  • 김진호 (동명대학교 건축대학 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2008.06.25


As the number of high-rise building construction projects grows up, the subject of the transportation planning has become one of the grave issue. however important decision making are made by the experience of the a planner without the rational plans for information sharing. therefore, the purpose of this study is to suggest a plan of prefect information management not only for describing drafting process for transportation planning but also for systematizing information used in the procurement, transportation and construction phase to achieve these objectives, this study 1)analyzes the prior theory about transportation planning, 2)performs a case study of actual project to embody the problems of site management by analyzing the results of interviewing experts. In conclusion, the following factors are systematized : 1)the structure of drafting process for transportation planning, 2)the contents of information used in the procurement, transportation and construction phase, 3)the actual condition of code breakdown structure in transportation Planning phase. It is anticipated that the proposed methodology would be able to improve information management among the related engineers and accumulated data that might be used in similar construction projects in Korea.



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