경쟁시장내의 수요자원입찰을 고려한 모선별 한계가격의 구성요소산정 기법

Calculation for Components of Locational Marginal Price considering Demand-Side Bidding in a Competitive Electricity Market

  • 발행 : 2008.07.01


This paper presents a new approach for the evaluation of location marginal prices (LMPs) considering demand-side bidding (DSB) in a competitive electricity market. The stabilization of the electric power supply and demand balance is one of the major important activities in electric power industry. In this paper, we present an analytical method for calculation of LMPs considering DSB, which has opportunity to compete with generating units, as England & Wales Pool's DSB scheme[1]. Also, we propose a new approach that LMP considering DSB is divided into three components. The proposed approach can be used for the evaluation of demand-side bidding into the electricity market and the assessment of the influence of DSB on total production costs and LMPs as well as three components.



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