Study of Next Generation Game Animation

넥스트 제너레이션 게임애니메이션 연구

  • Park, Hong-Kyu (Dstineer Studios. 3D Animator, Motion Capture Engineer)
  • Published : 2008.04.30


The video game industry is obsessed by the perception of "Next Generation Game". Appearance of the next generation game console has required the video game industry to renovate new technologies for their entire production. This tendency increases a huge mount of production cost. Game companies have to hire more designers to create a solid concept, artists to generate more detailed content, and programmers to optimize for more complex hardware. All those high cost efforts provide great locking games, but the potential of next generation game consoles does not end there. They also bring possibilities of the new types of gameplay. Next generation game contains a much larger pool of memories for every video game elements. The entire video game used to use roughly 800 animation files, but next generation game is pushing scripted event well over 4000 animation flies. That allows a lot of very unique custom animation for pretty much every action in the game. It gives game players much more vivid and realistic appreciation of the virtual world. Players are not being able to see any recycling of the same animation over and over when they are playing next generation game. The main purpose of this thesis is that defines the concept of next generation game and analyzes new animation-pipeline to be used in the shooter games.

본 논문에서는 강력한 하드웨어 게임콘솔을 타깃으로 제작되는 넥스트 제너레이션 게임의 탄생배경과 의미, 그 새로운 개념의 등장으로 인해 현 게임인더스트리에 요구되어지는 제작구조의 변화를 슈터게임을 중심으로 분석했으며, 이 전의 슈터게임 애니메이션 파이프라인과 구별되는 넥스트 제너레이션 게임 애니메이션의 필요성과 그 제작과정을 정리하였다. 더불어 최근 북미 게임 인더스트리에서 시도되고 있는 기술적 도전들을 살펴봄으로써 넥스트 제너레이션 게임의 새로운 가능성과 과제들을 연구하는 것이 본 논문에 목적이다.
