A Study on the Relativity between Fashion Style and Economic Environmental Changes Expressed in Women Magazine

여성잡지에 표현된 패션스타일과 경제환경 변화간의 상관성 연구

  • Kim, Sae-Bom (Dept. Clothing & Textiles, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee, Eun-Sook (Dept. Clothing & Textiles, University of Ulsan)
  • Received : 2008.02.04
  • Accepted : 2008.10.22
  • Published : 2008.10.31


The purpose of this study was to reveal relations between fashions and economic by analyzing the fashion style expressed in women magazine advertisements. The method of this study was used content analysis with 1933 samples in women magazine ('Women Sense', 'Yeosung Dong-A', and 'Jubu Saeng-hwal') which were issued in March, June, September, and December from 1994 to 2002. The data analyses were divided six elements: silhouette, color, pattern, length of skirt & slacks, adjustment, and breadth of collar lapel. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The silhouette of the period before and after economic crisis was expressed in square silhouette. 2. The color of the period before economic crisis was expressed in white and black. The period after economic crisis was expressed in white, warm colors, secondary colors with black. 3. The pattern was expressed in plain pattern. 4. The length of skirt & slacks was expressed in various lengths. 5. The Adjustment was expressed in single button. 6. The breadth of collar lapel of the period before economic crisis was expressed in large breadth. The period after economic crisis was expressed in small breadth.



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