A Study of Preservice Teachers on the General Self-Efficacy and the Efficacy of Early Childhood Care and Education

예비보육교사의 일반적 자기효능감과 보육효능감에 관한 연구

  • Lee, Sae-Na (Dept. Early Childhood Education, Youngdong University)
  • 이세나 (영동대학교 유아교육과)
  • Published : 2008.04.30


The study aims to find out and examine the variables that make a difference between pre-service teachers' child care efficacy (CCE) and general self-efficacy (GSE). The subjects were 232 pre-service child care teachers going to an educational institution and a college. The results are as follows. First, the variables of "age", "teacher training facilities", "field experience in child care centers", and "experience of child care" and "paraprofessional teachers" are important variables in pre-service teachers' CCE. Second, the variables of "age", "level of education", "teacher training facilities", "field experience in child care center", and "experience of child care or paraprofessional teachers" significantly affect the pre-service teachers' GSE. Third, the "age" variable is essential in explaining pre-service teachers' GSE. The Pre-service teachers' GSE is significantly related to the pre-service teachers' CCE.



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