독립공원의 조경사적 의의

The Significance of Independence Park in Korean Landscape Architectural History

  • Lee, Yoo-Jick (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


This paper investigates the historical significance of Independence Park in Korean landscape architecture by examining the idea and goal, master plan and scheme, and meaning and limitation of the park The construction was announced in July and began with the Independence Arch in the middle of September, 1896. Dr. Philip Jaisohn (Suh Jai-Pil), Counselor of The Privy Office and president of the Independence newspaper, played an important role in park construction. He formally advised the arrangements and general planning of the park, but he actually played a leading role in the park as much as he designed and superintended the erection of the arch. He had the conception of a productive park for cultivating and experimenting with a variety of trees surrounding the monument. In terms of the history of Korean landscape architecture, Independence Park is important in that it is the first modem city park that was tried independently as part of the modernizing-Seoul project and the only park of which object and scheme were revealed. It also strengthens the roots of Korean modem landscape architecture by pushing Korean history of public parks into the prior time to Japanese colonial period and enriches the contents of Korean modem landscape architecture. Independence Park is the original realization of a public park because it was constructed with participation and donations from the planning stage to the construction and use. In addition, it is the goal and means to inspire the spirit of national independence and patriotism in Korean people and lead them to voluntary awakening, enlightenment, and participation. Independence Park, however, was not constructed according to Dr. Jaisohn's original intent due to the lack of funds and the rudimentary level of landscape construction technology. In addition, the location was too far from downtown and accessibility was very difficult. For these reasons, many do not consider the park as having been constructed. However, this kind of view must be changed. Other parks of the time were not detailed and decorated like typical western parks, but were left as public spaces. In other words, these parks should not be judged by comparing them to western parks. This is the same concept as that of the first parks of modem Korea being called 'park land.' These parks were more natural environments than planned gardens.



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