To improve concrete tensile strength and bending strength, New plan that have more economical and simple manufacture process is groped. By an alternative plan, chemical pre-stressed concrete is presented. In this study, we analyzed the rheological properties of cement paste with the kind and replacement ratio of k-type CSA type expansive additives that is used mainly in domestic. and we suggested that the algorithm of a mixing plan in the chemical pre-stressed concrete and from this, we presented the basic report for the right mixing plan. From the results, Flow increased more or less according to use of expansive additives. This phenomenon was observed by increasing paste amount that shows as substitution for expansive additives that specific gravity is smaller than that of cement. As linear regression a result supposing paste that mix expansive additives by Bingham plastic fluid. The shear rate and shear stress expressed high interrelationship. therefore, flow analysis of quantitative was available. The plastic viscosity following to replacement ratio of expansive additives is no change almost, the yield value is decreased in proportion to the added amount of expansive additives. Through this experiment, we could evaluate rheological properties of cement paste using the expansive additives. Hereafter by an additional experiment, we must confirm stability assessment of material separation by using the aggregate with the kind and replacement ratio of expansive additives.