영국의 우주비행체용 화학추진 및 전기추진시스템 개발

Development of Chemical and Electric Propulsion Systems for Spacecraft in UK

  • 한조영 (한국항공우주연구원 통신해양기상위성사업단 통해기체계팀)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


KARI has jointly developed COMS bipropellant propulsion system with EADS Astrium, UK. It is well known at the moment about American or even German efforts for space development and space propulsion activities. On the contrary UK's capability for space development hasn't been recognised well in Korea. The major space activities relevant to the development of chemical and electric propulsion systems in UK, in reference to our space propulsion programme are addressed in detail. In addition the collaboration in prospect between two countries is proposed.
