A Study on the Relevant Factors in Tool and Fashion of Make-up

화장의 도구성과 유행성에 영향을 미치는 관련변인 연구

  • 최수경 (마산대학 뷰티케어학부)
  • Published : 2008.05.31


The purpose of this study to examine the relevant factors in tool and fashion of make up. For the study, a questionnaire survey was conducted of 436 women in between their twenties to fifties residing in the Kyeongnam region. Obtained data were analyzed pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study were as follows.; The influence on tool and fashion of make up can be described into 4 factors that are included in the decision making process of tool and fashion, in other words, the demographical characteristic, the body cathexis, the need and the clothing value. Among these factors, the beauty need and the political value were proved to be more important. The demographic characteristics, the media contact had a direct influence on tool, and the occupation status had a direct influence on fashion. The body cathexis did not have a direct influence on any subordinate factors of tool and fashion, but had indirect influence having the need as a parameter or had no influence having the clothing value as a parameter.



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