Implementation and Performance Evaluation of RTOS-Based Dynamic Controller for Robot Manipulator

Real-Time OS 기반의 로봇 매니퓰레이터 동력학 제어기의 구현 및 성능평가

  • 고재원 (유한대학 컴퓨터제어과) ;
  • 임동철 (두원공과대학 디스플레이공학과)
  • Published : 2008.06.01


In this paper, a dynamic learning controller for robot manipulator is implemented using real-time operating system with capabilities of multitasking, intertask communication and synchronization, event-driven, priority-driven scheduling, real-time clock control, etc. The controller hardware system with VME bus and related devices is developed and applied to implement a dynamic learning control scheme for robot manipulator. Real-time performance of the proposed dynamic learning controller is tested and evaluated for tracking of the desired trajectory and compared with the conventional servo controller.



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