Inference on Overlapping Coefficients in Two Exponential Populations Using Ranked Set Sampling

  • Samawi, Hani M. (Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health Biostatistics Center, Georgia Southern University) ;
  • Al-Saleh, Mohammad F. (Department of Statistics, Yarmouk University)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.30


We consider using ranked set sampling methods to draw inference about the three well-known measures of overlap, namely Matusita's measure $\rho$, Morisita's measure $\lambda$ and Weitzman's measure $\Delta$. Two exponential populations with different means are considered. Due to the difficulties of calculating the precision or the bias of the resulting estimators of overlap measures, because there are no closed-form exact formulas for their variances and their exact sampling distributions, Monte Carlo evaluations are used. Confidence intervals for those measures are also constructed via the bootstrap method and Taylor series approximation.



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피인용 문헌

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