현대 패션에 표현된 맥시멀리즘에 관한 연구 - 2000년대를 중심으로 -

A Study on Maximalism in the Modern Fashion - Focused on the 2000s -

  • 박은경 (인천대학교 패션산업학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


The tendency of exuberant multi-everything, enormous volumes and decoration has been showed in fashion since the 21st century. This tendency is very interesting in contrast to the tendency of restraint, simplicity and removing decoration which has been showed in the modern fashion throughout the 20th Century and especially minimalism fashion in the 1960s and the 1990s with the expectation of New Millenium. Maximalism is this kind of exuberant expression emerged since 2000. However, studies about maximalism in fashion have not been performed enough. Thus this study tried to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of maximalism in the modern fashion according to the previous studies of maximalism in design and architecture with social cultural background. The scope of this study was from 2000 to 2006, and this study was performed through literature survey with demonstrative analyzation of fashion collection photographs. The results are as follows; Maximalism has the meaning of 'maximum oriented-ism' and has aesthetic view of 'more/bigger is more beautiful.' The formativeness of maximalism in modern fashion was analyzed as fusion, enlargement, decoration, and fantasy. The internal meaning was analyzed as recovery of human being through pursuing of sensibility, fun and newness.



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