지역사회 보건복지서비스의 통합적 제공을 위한 간호사와 사회복지사간 협력에 영향을 미치는 요인

Factors affecting the collaboration between nurses in community health department and social workers in welfare services department

  • 김미주 (서울사이버대학교 보건행정학과)
  • Kim, Mi-Ju (Dept. of Health Administration, Seoul Cyber University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


The purpose of this study is to propose the factors affecting collaboration between community nurses and social workers in Korea. Data that is used in this study, were collected from 295 provider respondents by questionnaire, additionally from telephone survey and secondary data review. This study focuses on the working relationship between professionals in the field of health and social care. Based on the literature review, this study proposes a conceptual framework for collaboration between nurses and social workers in community health and social care. The dependent variable in this study is collaboration. It reveals whether or not the inter-professional works and shows the level of collaboration. The independent variables are categorized in: the client characteristics (frailty of client, client-provider relationship); the provider characteristics (specialization, perception of interdependence, perception of the other professional); the organization characteristics (closeness of the other professional, autonomy, on-the-job training, evaluation-reward); and the community characteristics (urbanization, capacity of resources). Major findings are as follows: First, the factors that appear to have the strongest impact on whether or not inter-professional working of respondent sampled are: the perception of other professional; the perception of interdependence; closeness of, the, other professional; and the frailty of client. Secondly, the factors that found to have the most significant effect on level of cooperation are: the perception of, the other professional; on-the-job training; evaluation-reward; and the closeness of the other professional.



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