주상복합아파트 공적공간의 특성에 관한 연구 -울산광역시 주상복합아파트를 중심으로-

Research on the Characters of Apartment Complex Public Space -Based on apartment complexes in Ulsan-

  • 정지향 (울산과학대학 실내건축과) ;
  • 이옥순 (울산과학대학 실내건축과)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


With recent trends, multi-purpose building is becoming an important thing to have significant effect on the space of multi-purpose apartment (public living place) with the interest in health and sports and social trend of "well-being." The purpose of this study is to provide the meaning of spatial function and role multi-purpose building by finding the spatial composition and constitutional characteristics and analyzing the spatial design of those apartments. Method of the study is to summary the spatial composition and constitutional characteristics by materials of building approval and pamphlets in model houses as there is no case of multi-purpose apartment completed in Ulsan. Among many factors of inner space, approachability, openness and amenity are selected by pre-research and it is analyzed to confirm if these factors are applied and planned appropriately. Based on analyzed materials, the study identifies the spatial composition and constitutional characteristics of the space of multi-purpose building that is planning to be constructed in Ulsan and suggests the problem and improvements. The space of multi-purpose apartment should be purposed to accommodate daily activities and has the meaning of existence when it is provided appropriately. In addition, the space should be designed to provide various functions and purposes for cultural enhancement of citizen in the apartment.



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