문화적 차이에 따른 모바일 테크놀로지 패러독스 인식의 차이에 대한 비교 연구

A Cross-cultural Study on the Mobile Technology Paradox

  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


As mobile Technology came into people's everyday life the conflicts between users' expectation on the mobile technology and real performance has increased. These kind of conflict as far as technology concerned, are called 'technology paradox' and have been studied by few researchers. The discussion on mobile technology paradox could be critical to understand users' mobile technology usage behavior because when users perceive the paradox they are supposed to choose a coping strategy. another factor regarding the perception of paradox and coping strategy the culture should be considered. Thus this paper developed a measurement for mobile technology perception and empirically tested based on survey result from Korea and U.S.A. The analysis clearly shows that there are substantial differences in perceiving technology paradox and choosing the coping strategy between Korean users and American users.



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