A Study on the Floor-Specific Characteristics of Road Traffic Noise in Apartment Buildings

공동주택의 층별 도로교통 소음의 전달 특성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2008.02.25


This study is an attempt to understand the floor-specific characteristics of facade road traffic noise in apartment buildings. For this purpose, it sampled a total of seven roadside apartment building complexes: three with no soundproof bar barrier installed at roadside, one with a forest buffer zone, one with a sound-absorbing hill, and two with soundproof barriers. The measured noise level was highest on the 5th floor of apartment buildings with no soundproof barrier, and the upper stories from the 5th floor showed lower-noise measurements in order. For apartment buildings with soundproof barriers, however, the noise level was lower on the 10th floor than the 5th floor. Two apartment building groups--one with a sound-absorbing hill and the other with no soundproof barrier--showed similar measurement results in the floor-specific characteristics of facade road traffic noise. This suggests that such installations have little sound insulation effect. In the apartment building complex with a forest buffer zone around it, a slight sound insulation effect was measured on the lower floors of the buildings.



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