Improvement Directions for Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Evaluation in the Design-Build and Alternative Bidding Projects

설계.시공일괄입찰공사 및 대안입찰공사의 생애주기비용 분석 및 평가체계 개선방향

  • Published : 2008.02.20


The report of the Korean Board of Audit and Inspection(BAI) on May 2007 indicates the problems of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis and evaluation in the Design-Build(Turn-Key) and alternative bidding system. The point which the report indicates is that the cost estimation system for LCC analysis has nothing in common each other and there's no consistency among the repair cycle and ratio per facilities parts. For solving these problems, BAI demands the establishment of the guidelines for LCC analysis and evaluation from the competent authority Korean Ministry of Construction And Transportation(MOCT). The objective of this study is to develop the improvement directions for LCC analysis and evaluation which are suitable to the public construction projects especially for the Design-Build and alternative bidding system in Korea. For this study, the LCC related raws and regulations, LCC analysis guidelines of public cooperations, actual condition of LCC analysis and evaluation which include, the elements of LCC, the estimation rules of the initial cost and the maintenance cost, the analysis standards of time value of money, etc. are investigated to provide the improvement directions for LCC analysis and evaluation.



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  5. 건설교통부, 설계VE 업무매뉴얼(건설환경팀-224호), 2006.2.3
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  9. FHWA, Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design, 1998
  10. FHWA, Life Cycle Cost Primer, 2002

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