혼합정수계획법을 이용한 항공기-목표물 최적할당에 관한 연구

The Optimal Allocation of Aircrafts to Targets by Using Mixed Integer Programming

  • 이대력 (한국해양수산기술진흥원) ;
  • 양재환 (서울시립대학교 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


In recent warfare, the performance improvement of air weapon systems enables an aircraft to strike multiple targets on a single sortie. Further, aircrafts attacking targets may carry out an operation as a strike package that is composed of bombers, escort aircrafts, SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) aircrafts and etc. In this paper, we present an aircraft allocation model that allocates multiple targets to a single sortie in the form of a strike package. A mixed integer programming is developed and solved by using a commercially available software. The new model is better than existing ones because not only it allocates aircrafts to multiple targets but also it models the concept of the strike package. We perform a computational experiment to compare the result of the new model with that of existing ones, and perform sensitivity analysis by varying a couple of important parameters.



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