Study on the Freight Forwarding System of Advanced Shipping Country - A Case of United States of America System -

선진 해운국의 Freight Forwarding System에 관한 연구 - 미국제도를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2008.07.25
  • Accepted : 2008.09.11
  • Published : 2008.12.31


In the end of 2007, Korea Government promulgated the Rule of 'Basic Act of Logistics Policy' for improving international logistics forwarding business. The goals of these rules are to achieve the development of our nation's economics for providing the security and efficiency of logistics system and enforced competition of logistics enterprises. This is established the basic principles of the legal basis for expanding into the Logistics Hub Center of North-east Asia. However In May 1999 new licensing requirements for ocean freight forwarders and NVOCCs operating in the USA were established by the US Federal Maritime Commission(FMC). Due to these regulations, each ocean transportation service provider in the USA acting as ocean freight forwarder, NVOCCs, or NVOCC agent must obtain a license to operate as Ocean Transportation Intermediary(OTI) before it begins operations. Only licensed OTIs may act as US transportation agents or receiving agents of other NVOCCs, on both US exports and imports. In this context, I think this study will be contributes for the development of korean freight forwarding system by analysis and comparing with between the Rule of the Basic Act of Logistics Policy of Korea and OTI freight forwarder & NVOCCs of USA.



Supported by : 한국해양대학교


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  13. FAQs
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