적색어류의 biogenic amine 생성에 따른 저장온도의 영향

Effect of Storage Conditions on Biogenic Amine Levels in Dark-Fleshed Fishes

  • 투고 : 2007.12.11
  • 심사 : 2008.02.09
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


Biogenic amines are naturally occurring anti-nutrition factors. They are causative agents in food poising episodes and act as catalysts to allergic reactions. The most commonly occurring biogenic amines in foods are: Histamine, tyramine, putrescine, cadaverine, tryptamine, ${\beta}$-phenylethylamine, spermine, spermidine and agmatine. The objective of this study was to identify changes and content levels of specific biogenic amines at selected storage temperatures $20{^{\circ}C}$, $4{^{\circ}C}$, and $-25{^{\circ}C}$, respectively. This study will focus on histamine, cadaverine, and putrescine concentrations in the following dark-fleshed fishes: Mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus), Mackerel Pike (Cololabis saira), and Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius). Biogenic amines were determined using a method based on an extraction procedure described in the derivatisation and HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography). The the recovery rate of individual amines was higher than those found in ion exchange chromatography. The results from the dark fleshed fish stability trial showed that high content of histamine (cadaverine and putrescine) were produced within a short period of time at $20{^{\circ}C}$. Fish stored at lower temperatures $4{^{\circ}C}$, showed lower content of biogenic amines. At $-25{^{\circ}C}$ the production of histamine, cadaverine and putrescine did not initiate until after day 100. All fish recorded the content of histamine below 1 mg/kg with the exception of the Horse Mackerel.



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