An Exploration on Elements of e-Teaching Portfolio for Enhancing Teaching Expertise in Higher Education

대학 교수자의 수업전문성 향상을 목적으로 하는 e-티칭 포트폴리오의 구성요소 탐색

  • Received : 2008.03.06
  • Accepted : 2008.07.21
  • Published : 2008.08.31


This study has explored the elements of e-teaching portfolio for enhancing teaching expertise in higher education. This study is carried out through the literature review and expert's focus group interview. As the result of this study, seven elements of e-teaching portfolio for enhancing teaching expertise in higher education have been found. First, 'personal background' include curriculum vitae, course responsibility, and other educational activities. Second, 'teaching philosophy' include the principals on teaching and learning, statements of teaching philosophy. Third, 'learning environment' include the characteristics of students, the previous learning contents, and physical environment. Forth, 'course contents and methods' include teaching strategies and instructional materials, Fifth, 'instructional evaluation' includes the principals of evaluation and the examples of learning outcomes. Sixth, 'endeavor for improvement of instruction' include evidence of activity for teaching improvement and instruction feedback from peer and students. And e-teaching portfolio also includes research career and awards history element.



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