농업.농촌정책평가를 위한 정량적 분석모형 연구

Quantitative Approaches for Agricultural and Rural Policy Evaluation

  • 이성우 (서울대학교 농경제사회학부 지역정보) ;
  • 윤성도 (서울대학교 농경제사회학부 지역정보)
  • Lee, Seong-Woo (Program in Regional Information, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yun, Seong-Do (Program in Regional Information, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


The present study construct a new technique that can evaluate diverse rural policies, which have been applied to the rural development programs at the village level. The method incorporates spatial econometrics models with a decomposition method that has little been utilized before. We applies the technique to evaluate the rural development programs that have been carried out by the Korea Forest Service and. Korea Rural Development Agency. The technique proved to be quite useful in that the technique efficiently separate the direct effect caused by the government policy from the effect explained by the endowment effect such as regional or area characteristics, and residual effect that cannot be identified by the models. The present study concludes with suggesting more quantitative methods need to be developed to evaluate diverse government policy programs, which enables us to discern correct policy effects.



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