Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine (대한예방한의학회지)
- Volume 12 Issue 3
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- Pages.115-128
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- 2008
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- 1226-7066(pISSN)
Activation of Vastus Medialis and Biceps Femoris Muscle in Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercise
열린사슬 운동과 닫힌사슬운동시 내측광근과 대퇴이두근의 근활성도 차이
- Seok, Chang-Yeob (Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School, Eulji University) ;
- Lee, Chang-Ryeol (Department of Physical Therapy, Youngdong University) ;
Lee, Moon-Hwan
(Department of Physical Therapy, International University of Korea)
- Published : 2008.12.31
Purpose : This study was performed to distinguish the muscle activation of vastus medialis and biceps femoris through open and closed kinetic chain exercise. Methods : 31 healthy male and female students in Daegu Health College were participated in this study. All subjects were conducted three types open and closed kinetic chain exercises to examine muscle activity during the last four seconds using the sEMG system. Collected EMG data were normalized using the maximal voluntary isometric contraction(MVIC). Results : MVIC of each muscle was showed significantly increased(p<0.5). In the case of open chain exercise, the type 3 exercise most increased than type 2 and 3 exercise in vastus medialis than biceps femoris muscle. The closed chain exercise presented type 6 exercise most increased than type 4 and 5 exercise in biceps femoris than vastus medialis. Conclusion : This study finally proved that muscle activity which maintains stability of knee differ from depending on the types of exercises. Therefore, the combination of the two chain exercises is believed to greatly contribute to increments in muscle activity.