경기용 피겨 스케이팅 의상의 디자인 특성

The Design Characteristics of the Figure Skating Costumes for Competitions

  • 김지선 (전북대학교 생활과학대학 의류학) ;
  • 염혜정 (전북대학교 생활과학대학 의류학, 전북대학교 인간생활과학연구소)
  • Kim, Ji-Seon (Dept. of Clothing and Textile, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Yum, Hae-Jung (Dept. of Clothing and Textile, Chonbuk National University, Chonbuk National University Research Institute of Human Ecology)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This study intended to analyze the morphological characteristics and images of figure skating costume designs in order to grope the figure skating costume designs that can effectively demonstrate beauty in actual competitions. The study was implemented on the figure skating costumes of Ladies medalists in 4 largest international competitions held in 2005. The morphological elements of the costumes for Ladies include lines and colors, textures, details and accessories and these are used in designing for visual effects of movements and for maximum expressions of program images. The images that account for the largest percentage of Ladies figure skating costumes were shown to be elegant images followed by sexy images, luxury images and girlish images in the order of precedence. Overwhelmingly many refined and sexy images were presented in 2005 season and in 2006 season appeared along with them, many costumes with individual and gorgeous images. In 2007 season appeared many costumes with matured and exotic images and in 2008 began to appear many refined and elegant costumes. The images of costumes show slight differences among players enabling the taste of each player for figure skating costumes to be guessed.



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